Tech stack:
At the beginning of 2022, an organizational change at my workplace took place – Agile@Scale. It has been a new way of working for multiple departments – aimed to be faster and more effective than before. As a byproduct of these results, I got reassigned to a newly-formed Squad – whose audacious goal has been to create an innovative and comprehensive Machine Learning Platform for Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists/Engineers/Analysts employed at Bank.
The described BNP Machine Learning Platform is architecturally consisting of multiple parts, powered by and fully-deployed at an on-premise cloud environment. Functionally, it is a mix of open-source frameworks, and a big data cluster, together with custom-tailored implementation of the SOTA market data science and machine learning solutions.
Sample Architecture
Lesson Learned
The scale and scope of this project is indeed audacious – thanks to this factor, I am not only able to learn blazingly-fast, but also take up, design and discuss new challenges every work day.
Not available – the whole project has been a private property of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.